27 feb 2009

Day 1 (Long Weekend - Mosh Not Punch)

Day 1 of the looong weekend.
First of all, boring, but oldschoolish...
I went to a concert tonight, it was like wow, I mean two bands from Puerto Rico, and my best friend's band played and I think I got into the mood again after, I don't know, maybe 2 or 3 years so, I love concerts , I guess I hate how ppl just pretend they're actually fighting for their lifes on a Ring which is called the MoshPitt, but they're not =\
I hate EmoHardcoreShitty dudes with bandanas on their mouth :@:@:@ HATE 'em HATE 'em!
Yo Like, MoshPitt is for Moshing Not Punching, You know...
This dude started a fight with  15 year old kid, for No Reason at all, he was like Yeah he's cute I'm ugly fuck that, Moshing Punch attack, you know what I mean... W/E
So we're back with the hate, We lost our last member of the crew since Joseph departure (he's not gone he's somewhere I forgot the name), and yeah alone in the life with Tito and Yeo =) sounds like a tittle for a book, not good with books neither.
It's almost 4 Am and I was thinking about her, yeah she knows, she talks way too much, I think that's what I like about her, she can't stay quiet for like 5 seconds, at the end of the day is her call =) so it's ok.

Not bad for a Day 1 
. Concert
. Phone
. Video Games 
OH my I beat Gears of War 2 on Insane Mode :@:@ Yeah Boy!
More than enough for a Day 1 
Go to bed!

24 feb 2009

Things you should write on the first blog..???


Name: Aurelio
Last Name: Lopez
Age: 21
AKA: Yeo
Weigh: 115 lbs.
Heigh: 5'10"
DOB: 11/12/87
POB: Dominican Republic

Fav. Things
Color: Silver, Black, Blue
Food: Mexican
Music: All of 'em
Books: aaaa 
Another thing: Video Games =)

A Bit About Me:
I play guitar
I like Pete Wentz
I like video games, maybe too much
I like friends.
I like pictures, cameras are good
I like basketball
I like drinks
I like movies 
I like my name =) al the vowels AUrElIO 
I like iPod 
I like texting on the phone....
I like ok.... no more
Yeah somethings you should write on the first blog...