26 may 2009

...2.53 still beating

When agony becomes time, it never ends...
It never ends, 
when we want more, and we look for
when we care a little too much, and we suffer some intensity 
when we hurt a bit harder, and we don't say those things, we keep those words
we pray for time, we waste our chances, we take for granted, then take it back
we forgive, then we learn...To care
I guess, I am still looking for my time, since you left me, I'm still fighting myself away, but you never knew. You never notice.
For those that will be, and those that are trying, for those to love, for those to warm, for those who need, and those who seek, I sing for those.
For those we walk, for those we talk, for those we live, for those we care, I sing.
For those forgiven, for those beaten, for those defeated, for those that can let go, we sing, for those broken hearts, and those that will never be, I still sing, for those, for you, and sing to hear, to give... for it, for those.  

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